Our Work

Youth Development Projects



Abaco Strong is proud to advocate for youth sports, providing a platform for the next generation to embrace discipline and teamwork while promoting social awareness and healthy life choices. In March 2021, we joined forces with Troy Feaste, the passionate Founder of the Abaco Youth and Softball League (AYBSL). Together, we supplied uniforms and offered scholarships to nurture young talents. We also took on the mission to rebuild the restrooms at the field, reinforcing a safer and more inclusive sports environment. In 2023, Abaco Strong secured a grant from the generous TK Foundation. 

We’re also proud to support the renovation of the Baseball and Softball field in Murphy Town in collaboration with the OPM Special Projects Division. In addition, we’re restoring the basketball court and facilities at the Ocean Park in Dundas Town, in partnership with the Dundas Town Local Government Committee. These endeavours provide enhanced sporting amenities and create spaces for the community to come together, fostering social awareness and well-being among residents.

Abaco Strong sponsored the first Steel Drum Workshop on December 11th to 15th 2023. This initiative found its home at Patrick J Bethel High School, which provided the venue for the music program. Under the instruction of musician and composer CJ Menge, 16 participants spanning various age groups progressed from basic techniques to collaborative ensemble playing. By the end of the program, a vibrant community band had emerged, showcasing the remarkable progress achieved in just a few short days.

The success of the Steel Drum Workshop marks just the beginning of youth development programs focused on music. With plans for future workshops and performances, Abaco Strong remains committed to nurturing talent, fostering community bonds, and spreading joy through the power of music.

School Gardens

School gardens offer many benefits that enrich the educational experience and nurture development of student participants. By fostering a deeper connection with nature, promoting healthy habits, and cultivating essential life skills, these green spaces empower students to become informed, engaged citizens capable of making positive contributions to their communities and the world at large. Our students in the program at SC Bootle High School and Patrick Bethel High School in Central Abaco have planted sweet potatoes, okra, and bok choy. In early 2024, the non-profit Many Hands Impact and their team of volunteers helped to erect a fence for the Agricultural Department at Patrick Bethel High School. The fence will allow us to expand this program to include a chicken house and hog pen. We are grateful to the Agriculture Department of the Bahamas and the Walt Disney Foundation for making this project possible.

ABC Breakfast Program

The Children of Abaco have been through a lot in the last four years. Many families are still struggling to put food on the table due to the devastating impact of Hurricane Dorian and a Global Pandemic in a tourist driven economy. As a result, children in Abaco often come to school without the benefit of a healthy breakfast. 

The Abaco Strong Breakfast for Children Program provides breakfast for almost 200 children in attendance at The Coopers Town Primary School in North Abaco in order to improve the chance of academic and personal success for each child.

Health and Education form the foundation on which to build when it comes to raising strong children that have an opportunity to be successful as they grow and mature into adults and productive citizens. A nutritious breakfast for each child will help to increase school attendance, improve alertness, concentration, mood, and behavior, and improve overall nutrition and development.

Research has shown that access to breakfast for school-age children can significantly improve their ability to concentrate throughout the school day and positively impact their academic performance.

Farmer’s Market

The Abaco Strong Farmers Market is a collaborative community event, providing a venue for Backyard Farmers and Commercial Farmers to sell their produce. Vendors from the Abaco community at large have an opportunity to sell their wares, which includes locally grown produce, authentic Bahamian cuisine, fresh juices, baked goods, plants, original artworks and much more.
The First Abaco Farmers Market was held in February in Marsh Harbour at The BAIC Plaza, and following it’s incredible success we have continued every month since! There are over 40 vendors selling a wide variety of items. There was even a petting zoo, and a fashion show! The event was a resounding success, and the attendance was estimated to be 500+ including local families, friends, and international visitors. Learn more about the Farmers Market and view the monthly schedule here.

Home Repair Program

It is estimated that 90% of the homes in Treasure Cay were destroyed and uninhabitable after the hurricane. In February 2020, Abaco Strong was able to bring a team of experienced carpenters and tradesmen to make several of the resident’s homes inhabitable again.

The coronavirus pandemic temporarily delayed our home repair initiative, however, we have resumed the program and are working with local contractors in Abaco to repair Bahamian resident’s homes in the Treasure Cay area. The needs range from roof repair, to mold remediation, drywall, electric, plumbing, windows and door replacement, and more. Our goal is to provide safe and healthy living conditions fo the residents of Treasure Cay.

Backyard Farming

In response to the urgent need for lowering food imports and household food bills in these economically hard times, the Ministry
of Agriculture and Marine Resources has embarked on a ‘Backyard Farming Program’ for householders in The Bahamas. We have over 200 families participating in back yard farming in Northern and Central Abaco, and Abaco Strong is providing support by providing, seeds, seed starters, pots, fertilizer, top soil, and educational materials.


Community Garden

Abaco Strong in partnership with The Blue Atlas Project is sponsoring the first Aquaponic Community Garden in Abaco. Twelve Bahamian Families in Treasure Cay are currently participating in the project and successfully growing their own food. The Aquaponic System consists of a 410 Gallon Fish Tank and 34 Aquaponics Grow Rafts that hold 600 plants.The Community Garden will act as a demonstration garden in addition to providing organic vegetables for participating community members.  

Sleep Soundly Abaco

 In 2020 and 2021, our amazing volunteers distributed  over 300 mattresses and bed frames, along with pillows, sheets and blankets to residents in Northern Abaco, including Treasure Cay, Crown Haven, Grand Cay, Green Turtle Cay, Spring City, The Farm, Murphy Town, Blackwood, Fire Road, Marsh Harbour, Central Pines, Dundastown, Sandy Point, Cooperstown and Moores Island.

Many thanks to The Lyford Cay Foundation, TCCF, The Rotary Club of The Bahamas, Bahamas Ferries, and City Furniture who have made this program possible.

Community Events

Community is all about coming together, and the Abaco Strong team is committed to doing just that. As the Treasure Cay community continues to recover from the aftermath of the hurricane and the pandemic, Abaco Strong has taken the initiative to organize and host various events that foster unity and hope.

One community event that Abaco Strong hosted was a take-away meal program. This program was designed to provide meals for those who did not have access to food after the hurricane. Abaco Strong worked with food suppliers to provide hot meals and grocery items. The take-away meal program was a huge success, and it provided much-needed relief to members of the community.

Abaco Strong also hosts community clean-ups. Volunteers from the community come together to remove garbage and debris from the beaches, helping to preserve the environment and keep the community safe.

We also hosts holiday events to bring joy to the children and families of the community. During Christmas 2022, Abaco Strong sent over 300 gifts to the children of Abaco to help make their Christmas a memorable one. We also provided a Christmas tree to The Coopers Town Clinic and the Treasure Cay Community Center to help boost spirits during these challenging times.

Abaco Strong continues to lead the way in bringing the community together and providing support to those in need. The organization is committed to building a strong and resilient community and will continue to host events that foster unity and hope.

boy with santa