On September 1st, 2019, Hurricane Dorian, a slow moving category 5 storm, wreaked unimaginable devastation in Abaco. Dorian is regarded as the worst hurricane in the history of the Bahamas. Countless NGOs, emergency teams, and individuals reached out during the immediate aftermath of the unprecedented storm. Abaco Strong was formed by leaders in the community for the purpose of coordinating long term rebuilding efforts. Our Mission is to enable the building of prosperous, sustainable, and environmentally responsible communities. We are working closely with community leaders to understand the needs of families and individuals impacted by Hurricane Dorian, and to help them to move forward and rebuild their lives.
Prosperous, sustainable, and environmentally responsible communities that enable businesses and families to thrive in the long term
With sustained winds of 185 mph, Dorian was the strongest hurricane on record to strike the Bahamas since records began in 1851. Weather Underground Meteorologist Jeff Masters said that “portions of Dorian’s eyewall lashed Great Abaco and Grand Bahama islands with Category 5 winds for a total of 22 hours before the great hurricane finally weakened to Category 4 strength. In records going back over a century, there are no cases where an Atlantic Category 5 hurricane has impacted a land area for as long as Dorian battered the Bahamas.”