An Update on Youth Baseball Program Fundraising in Abaco

It has been such a joy to see our young athletes develop through the Abaco Youth Baseball Program. We are so grateful to you for making this program possible. Yes, they have improved their athletic abilities and skills as baseball players, but there is so much more to the story that I would like to share with you.

Last weekend, the parents and children held a car wash to raise money for their travel expenses to travel to the National Youth Baseball Championships in Nassau. What I saw was not just a car wash, but a community coming together – young ladies and men taking responsibility and initiative to reach their goals. It has been a long road to recovery in Abaco after the great storm, but every now and then, the sun shines through as we see progress that brings great hope for the future. Sometimes the progress is measured by a building that is completed, or the reopening of a business. However, sometimes the progress is seen in a community working together toward a common goal, a smile on the face of a young woman who feels a sense of accomplishment, or two young men giving each other a fist bump for a job well done.

Of course a big part of playing baseball is an opportunity to get outside and have fun, but sometimes we forget that there are so many benefits to getting youth involved in sports.

  •  Physical health: Youth sports promote physical activity and help children develop healthy habits that can last a lifetime. Regular exercise can reduce the risk of obesity, heart disease, and other health problems.
  •  Self-esteem: Participating in sports can boost a child’s self-esteem and confidence as they learn new skills and achieve goals. 
  • Character development: Youth sports can help children develop important character traits such as perseverance, sportsmanship, and respect for others.
  • Academic performance: Studies have shown that children who participate in sports tend to have better academic performance and attendance.

With these benefits in mind, I hope that you are reminded that progress is not only measured by new buildings and economics. I thank you for your generosity, and I hope you will continue to support our children as the recovery in Abaco continues.

Kind Regards,

Martha Fleury

President, Abaco Strong

Help to Bring Youth Baseball Back to Abaco by donating to our program on Global Giving


About the Program


Central Abaco was completely destroyed by Hurricane Dorian on September 1st, 2019. This community has been struggling to rebuild since then. Schools have been closed on the island for 19 months due to hurricane damage and then COVID 19. The storm destroyed the fields, bathrooms, dugouts, concessions stand, and the entire protective fence surrounding the fields. We are in need of equipment and funds to repair the field and facility to rejuvenate our program.


Abaco Youth Baseball offers an opportunity for the boys and girls in Abaco to socialize, exercise, have fun, and just to be kids. These boys and girls have had very few resources and outlets since Dorian struck over a year and a half ago. The opportunity to play baseball and softball will provide exercise, socialization, and the opportunity to learn about sportsmanship and the value of hard work to achieve your goals.

Long-Term Impact

Our program offers the opportunity for the youth in Abaco to develop as athletes and as individuals. Our plan is to partner with the surrounding Communities in Northern Abaco and The Cays to extend this program to reach more children in need of the healthy outlet and learning opportunity that sports can provide.

Help to Bring Youth Baseball Back to Abaco by donating to our program on Global Giving